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Section personnelle
Anglais, Ndébélé du Transvaal, Shona, Tonga
Interested in working with rural communities at the edges of protected areas in promoting sustainable livelihoods, human-wildlife coexistence and environmental management. Skilled in future literacy, anticipatory governance tools and using different participatory processes on working in a multistakeholder environment. My interests are in working at the interface of natural resources and social development in a multidisciplinary thematic landscape including aspects of community livelihood development, sustainable landscape development, nature conservation and social sciences amongst others.
Section professionnelle
Promoting sustainable livelihoods in rural communitues in human wildlife interfaces
Section Interactions Homme - Faune sauvage

Working with communities around protected areas

Futures literacy, anticipatory governance, rural development, multi stakeholder engagement, participatory rural appraisal, community engagement
Section contact