Wild Boars: non-invasive tools to ‘live with’ wild boars

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  • #5184 Traduire
    Susan Boonman-BersonSusan Boonman-Berson
    Maître des clés

    I am wondering what kind of methods people use – in practice – to set boundaries to indicate where wild boars are allowed and where not. For instance, a gate is an obvious tool, but what kind of methods are used and might be successful or temporary successful to delineate spaces where boars are allowed/not allowed. These tools might be targeting people as well as the wild boars (e.g. think about roads where wild boars are deterred by e.g. mirrors and/or humans are targeted to reduce speed by speed bumps to be able to brake in time). Please share any practical tools/methods you are aware of or even have experience with.

    #5195 Traduire

    Interesting question. Apart from the traditional high tensile net wire fences, I know electric fences (a set of steel wires) have been used in Italy to protect vineyards, and that propane cannons are used to scar them away from agricultural fields in Spain, for example. There is also the believe that human hair can be used as a repellent – I have heard this in Portugal many years ago, and it seems to be a widespread method: https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/others/wild-boars-cant-seem-to-get-out-of-hairy-spot/articleshow/81283364.cms

    #5637 Traduire

    #6259 Traduire
    Silvia RibeiroSilvia Ribeiro

    There is additional information on this topic gained in the LIFE Connect Carpathians. An article with results was published on issue 19 of the CDPnews, available here: http://www.protectiondestroupeaux.ch/en/cdpnews/

    #5632 Traduire
    Silvia RibeiroSilvia Ribeiro

    Last month I learned about the uses of plastic bottles to keep wild boar from breaking into a net-wire fence and damage a tree plantation, in Zamora Province (Spain), as shown in these photos (Credits: Silvia Ribeiro).



    #6316 Traduire
    Tommy GaillardTommy Gaillard
    Maître des clés

    You have on this website some tools to deter wild boars: http://biojardinservices.com/jardinage-bio/parole-de-pro/efficacite-repulsifs-anti-sanglier.php. It is in French buy you can translate the website using google translation (https://translate.google.fr/).

    • Cette réponse a été modifiée le il y a 2 années et 7 mois par Tommy GaillardTommy Gaillard.
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