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Initiative to promote extensive use of non-lethal protective measures in Lithuania
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Welcome to the ENCOSH Platform!
Why this platform?
Addressing Human – Wildlife interaction issues often requires a combination of diverse initiatives. While many of these already exist, they are spread out across the globe in such a way that many remain unknown and not available to all.
The ENCOSH platform has been co-created by an international, interdisciplinary team to foster and help practitioners worldwide to share their knowledge and experiences
What opportunities?
Search for initiatives that could be adapted to your local context: search initiative
Share an initiativebriefly so that it would be available in the platform and seen in the interactive map: share an initiative
Submit one of your initiative for which you have direct experience with and get a free downloadable technical sheet in pdf: submit an initiative
Any suggestions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information and guidance or share any suggestions to make this new platform the most suitable to your needs and expectations:
¿Sabe usted de una iniciativa o es responsable de una iniciativa relacionada con las interacciones entre humanos y vida silvestre (por ejemplo, prácticas de prevención, medidas de protección, capacitación, sensibilización, mediación...)?
Please, take into account that is an automatic translation made by a computer; the translation may not be always very accurate. If this translation is not clear enough in your native language, please let us know here: Donations will help paying professional translators for including qualitative translations instead
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