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Section personnelle
photography, regeneration, fishing, golf, writing, food
Section professionnelle
The Soft Foot Alliance
Improve lives and landscapes of people living around Hwange national park by working towards abundant landscapes for all. Using permaculture and Holistic management as frameworks for sound management decisions that benefit all. Earth care, People care and Fair share
Section Interactions Homme - Faune sauvage

After a decade of coming at human/lion conflict from the lion's perspective we have literally and metaphorically "crossed the road" and come at it from a people-first direction that makes abundant landscapes for all.

Photogaphy, Public speaking, Deep love of natural history

Co-herd - Promoting best practice animal husbandry that goes beyond protection of livestock from predators but regenerates lands and promotes people's development inline with our permaculture and holistic principles.

African Lion Working group
KAZA carnivore coalition

lion conflict mitigation
Section contact
Wildlife biologist and wildlife manager