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Section personnelle
Anglais, Espagnol
Wolf aversion conditioning - predation preventive measures
Section professionnelle
INBO (instituut voor Natuur en Bosonderzoek) - Univerity of Antwerp
Fundamental and applied ecological study. Public agencies.
Section Interactions Homme - Faune sauvage

Double degree: Engineer in Agriculture, Food and environmental sciences, ISARA-LYON, France, and MSc Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University.
Shepherding experience/farm practices in areas exposed to wolf predation in France and Switzerland.
Volunteering/MSc internship in Ecuador on spectacle bears-livestock coexistence.
Help on the development of a sheep collar detecting wolf predation from the sheep movements thanks to accelerometer sensor. Project of the Institute for the Research and Promotion of livestock guarding animals ( https://www.ipra-landry.com/en/l-institut-ipra/ ).

Systemic approach, literature review, field work with sheep, R

In winter 2017-2018, Ecuador, I dedicated my MSc internship to evaluate the scale of the conflict of interests between spectacle bears (Tremarctos ornatus) conservation and livestock farmers in the Napo region, in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment (MAE). Few trials using "olfactory fences" using human urine or strong smells (chili peper, garlic) were ongoing on my arrival but limited resources and bias in the implementation and protocol rendered interpretation of the data impossible. A draft of an online platform aiming at (1) mapping bear depredation and (2) automatically provide graphics to better understand the trend of depredation issues have been provided to the MAE.
I worked (MSc thesis) on sheep-wolf interactions - focusing on sheep behaviour and prototyping an accelerometer collar technology to detect sheep under attack in the French/Swiss Alps-.
I am presently (2021) a PhD student in Belgium, supervised by INBO and the University of Antwerp, funded by FWO. I intend to test innovative non-lethal preventive solutions that aim at conditioning wolf not to prey on sheep. I believe that such behaviour/conditioning approach have the potential to provide sustainable non-lethal techniques to reduce wolf depredation, and ultimately, benefit the cohabitation of extensive farming and predator conservation goals.

Ethology, Ecology, Agroecology, Wolf-Sheep Cohabitation, Non-lethal preventive measures
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