Solar Foxlight®

 · Shared by : Tommy Gaillard
 · Last update : 9 June 2020
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Autonomous light devices composed of 9 LEDs (white and blue) which light up and flash randomly thus simulating the presence of a person around the herd of livestock to protect.

Visual deterrents and repellents


  • J’ai eu de bons résultats en ARAGON Espagne avec de simples lumières de chantier posées lorsque la présence de l’ours était ressentie aux abords de troupeaux ovins en liberté.
    De plus en Béarn Vallée ASPE OSSAU, sur des troupeaux laitiers ovins parqués la nuit sur des parcs fils électrifiés, au moindre contact avec la clôture, 2 gros spots longue portée automobiles se déclenchent. Certaines estives utilisent ou utilisées ce matériel avec déclenchement et fréquence aléatoire sur des zones non protégées de parcs. Là aussi, les expériences se sont montées encourageantes.

  • Megan Lopez Megan Lopez says:

    This is really interesting. In southern Belize, small scale cattle farmers (>80 head of cattle) felt strongly that Foxlights were the best mitigation measure to prevent jaguars from killing their cattle.

    • Great to read, thank you for your feedback Megan. How many foxlights do you set up by hectares? I am also testing this measure in French Guyana to deter jaguars and pumas from livestock and from now on we have various results: it seems to be good from prevention or just after an attack but we had 2 cases where jaguars carried on to attack when they were already used to attack livestock before the implementation of foxlights.