
Rethinking aversion conditioning to reduce conflicts of interest between pastoralism and wolf conservation

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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We aim to test two new non-lethal methods to prevent sheep predation by wolves.
One method consists in a lightweight cover made of fabric stripes impregnated with a concentrated chili pepper extract and hanging around the sheep: a "defence harness". The harness should not ...


Red técnica francesa de perros guardianes de ganado

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Se ha creado una red técnica a nivel nacional sobre perros de guarda con el fin de asesorar a ganaderos y pastores, y de darles consejos para introducir con éxito uno de estos perros en su rebaño y utilizarlo a diario.
El objetivo de esta red es difundir las experiencia...


PastoraLoup: Supervisión por parte de voluntarios

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Se trata de un programa de ayuda para las zonas de pastoreo de FERUS, una asociación dedicada a la conservación de grandes depredadores en Francia.


Detonador lapicero

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Se ponen a disposición de cada unidad pastoral 2 detonadores lapiceros. Utilización durante un periodo de 15 días, renovable. Número limitado de cartuchos
El detonador lapicero se ha utilizado al menos dos veces. El dispositivo se usó cuando el pastor percibió el pá...


Livestock repusilve collar

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Livestock collar that triggers a light and ultrasound signals when a predator gets close.



Forma simplificada A simplified datasheet briefly presents the initiative. You can click on the "Interested" button to have more chances of obtaining further information.
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Fladry is composed of a non-electrified wire where plastic strips or tissues are fixed every fifty centimeters. Its principle is to create a visual and sound disturbance. When the Wolf approaches, he is frightened by the movements and the sound of the bands, but he can get used q...
