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Over 10 years I have been working on the theme of human-wildlife interactions. In September 2018 I received my PhD on this topic: Rethinking wildlife management; Living With Wild Animals.
Currently I am writing a book that contains all kind of human-wildlife stories. The stories vary from amazing encounters with wildlife, conflicts, as well as the stories of the animals themselves.
Bear at Work
Boonman-Berson, S., Driessen, C., Turnhout, E. (2019) Managing wild minds: From control by numbers to a multinatural approach in wild boar management at the Veluwe the Netherlands. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 44, pp. 2–15
Boonman-Berson, S. (2018) Rethinking Wildlife Management: Living With Wild Animals. PhD-Thesis.
Boonman-Berson, S., E. Turnhout, and M. Carolan (2016) Common Sensing: Human-black bear cohabitation practices in Colorado. Geoforum, 74, pp. 192-201
Boonman-Berson, S. (2016) Blurred boundaries in wildlife management practices. In: Bovenkerk, B. and Keulartz, J. (Eds). Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring boundaries in human-animal relationships: Springer.