Perros guardianes de ganado

Red técnica francesa de perros guardianes de ganado

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Se ha creado una red técnica a nivel nacional sobre perros de guarda con el fin de asesorar a ganaderos y pastores, y de darles consejos para introducir con éxito uno de estos perros en su rebaño y utilizarlo a diario.
El objetivo de esta red es difundir las experiencia...


Programa «Cão de Gado», Portugal

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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El Programa «Cão de Gado» (Perro Guardián del Ganado) se puso en marcha en 1996 como parte de la estrategia de conservación del lobo establecida por el Grupo Lobo y ha estado funcionando desde entonces. Su objetivo principal es fomentar la recuperación de razas autóctonas ...


Modelo de estancia sostenible Cerro Guido

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Este proyecto trata de lograr la coexistencia entre la actividad ganadera y la vida silvestre de la zona.


LGD Program

Forma simplificada A simplified datasheet briefly presents the initiative. You can click on the "Interested" button to have more chances of obtaining further information.
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Program to promote the use of autochtonous breeds of livestock guarding dogs to prevent Wolf damage and mitigate conflicts, towards a sustainable coexistence between livestock breeding and Wolf conservation in Portugal


Self-feeding system

Forma simplificada A simplified datasheet briefly presents the initiative. You can click on the "Interested" button to have more chances of obtaining further information.
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Enclosure made with few stakes and nets (the same ones used for livestock), a wooden pallet to make the entrance of the enclosure, and garbage cans and ropes that respectively serve as self-feeding food reserve for livestock guarding dogs. An initiative to reduce the time spent b...
