
Experiencias de una ganadera en el uso de medidas alternativas al control letal

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Intervengo en numerosos eventos sobre la ganadería en entornos con depredadores. En ellos, comparto mis experiencias y también información sobre algunas de las herramientas que utilizo en mi explotación para reducir el riesgo de interacciones conflictivas con esos animales. S...


Red técnica francesa de perros guardianes de ganado

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Se ha creado una red técnica a nivel nacional sobre perros de guarda con el fin de asesorar a ganaderos y pastores, y de darles consejos para introducir con éxito uno de estos perros en su rebaño y utilizarlo a diario.
El objetivo de esta red es difundir las experiencia...


Programa «Cão de Gado», Portugal

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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El Programa «Cão de Gado» (Perro Guardián del Ganado) se puso en marcha en 1996 como parte de la estrategia de conservación del lobo establecida por el Grupo Lobo y ha estado funcionando desde entonces. Su objetivo principal es fomentar la recuperación de razas autóctonas ...


Anti-Jaguar electric fence

Forma simplificada A simplified datasheet briefly presents the initiative. You can click on the "Interested" button to have more chances of obtaining further information.
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Electric fence with an optimal design to prevent jaguar and puma to access livestock


Community patrol

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Voluntary groups to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. the group were established to mitigate the conflict and also to inform the government if the conflict happens in their area. if there is no conflict the group acts as government volunteer for spreading news or making conser...


Wireless sensor system

Forma simplificada A simplified datasheet briefly presents the initiative. You can click on the "Interested" button to have more chances of obtaining further information.
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A telecommunication technology to which a variety of sensors can be linked that detect animal presence and power leaks in electric fences that are currently used to keep out herbivorous.


Ateliers Lycée agricole

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Interventions et ateliers participatifs dans un lycée agricole auprès de futurs professionnels du milieu d'élevage avec la réalisation de supports d'informations et techniques (e.g devis mesures de protection) destinés aux éleveurs pour prévenir et limiter les attaques de ...
