Instrumentos financieros y beneficios relacionados con la vida silvestre

Eco-tourisme Ballades à cheval

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Il y a 16 ans, Pedro et Ana ont décidé de déménager à Castro Labeiro, où vivent de nombreux loups au Portugal. Ils n'ont jamais regretté cette décision - aujourd'hui, ils ont une entreprise d'écotourisme et offrent aux visiteurs une expérience unique en montant à cheva...


Catcrafts: Artesanía con forma de gato para apoyar la conservación del gato andino

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Nuestro objetivo es adoptar la artesanía como una herramienta creativa y una iniciativa de subsistencia, de forma que permita a la Alianza Gato Andino (AGA) apoyar la conservación de la vida silvestre —en particular, la del gato andino— mediante un mayor compromiso de la po...


Medidas de prevención de daños a través del Programa de Desarrollo Rural griego

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Con el fin de facilitar la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la medida, las ONG ecologistas griegas iniciaron un amplio proceso de consulta y negociación con las autoridades nacionales competentes ―principalmente el Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Alimentación― para consegui...


Modelo de estancia sostenible Cerro Guido

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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Este proyecto trata de lograr la coexistencia entre la actividad ganadera y la vida silvestre de la zona.


Certificación Wildlife Friendly™ y certificaciones de especies específicas para productos y turismo

Ficha técnica A technical sheet presents key information about the initiative to adapt and implement it as efficiently as possible. This sheet can be downloaded and translated on the platform for use in the field.
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La certificación Wildlife Friendly™ es un programa mundial que ofrece guías de buenas prácticas para empresas agrícolas, ganaderas y de otros tipos que buscan crear medios de vida sostenibles a la vez que protegen a especies clave de la biodiversidad. Nuestros programas de ...


User-friendly mobile phone

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A simple user-friendly mobile phone system to help villagers near two Indian national parks report crop and livestock damages to authorities and receive appropriate compensation.


Insurance-based conservation system

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Insurance to offset other costs related to depredation (such as abortions, loss of milk production and subsidies per livestock head)


Ex-post compensation system

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Ex-post compensation covering up to 100% of the market value of livestock depredated by wolves and up to 60% of the value of livestock depredated by dogs.

In this study, they "conclude
that compensation may fail to improve tolerance toward carnivores unless it...


Voluntary based compensation system

Forma simplificada A simplified datasheet briefly presents the initiative. You can click on the "Interested" button to have more chances of obtaining further information.
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Cattle losses induced by jaguars could be compensated by a system of voluntary donations from tourists


White Dogs Fund

Forma simplificada A simplified datasheet briefly presents the initiative. You can click on the "Interested" button to have more chances of obtaining further information.
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Program to foster donation in order to support people in rural areas who shoulder the real cost of co-existing with wolves, brown bears and lynx with prompt and practical assistance to resolve conflicts.
